Born and raised in the wilds of suburban Long Island, in the shadow of New York City, Larry Allen migrated to Massachusetts in the Great Exodus of 2010. When not writing speculative fiction, he designs embedded computer systems, flies light aircraft, swims the Polar Bear Plunge, and rides on multi-day bicycle tours. He and his bride live at an airport on Cape Cod.
“Speculative fiction, at its best, provides a venue to explore what being human is really all about: our strengths, our weaknesses, but most of all our potential. It can also be an opportunity to learn; sometimes about technology, sometimes about the physical world, but very often about people, and what makes them special. While I certainly enjoy a post-apocalyptic adventure for time, fundamentally I’m an optimist, and this is reflected in my work.
“I’m a big fan of heroe. Not the ones with capes and superpowers, but ordinary guys and gals in extraordinary situations who choose to do the right thing rather than the easy thing. I’m inspired by authors like Ernest Gann, Robert Heinlein, Neville Shute, Rod Serling, and numerous others, and don’t mind a bit the fact that most of the writers who have inspired me are dead. I take pride in the fact that the guy behind the counter at the library waits in anticipation to see what I’ve put on reserve this week.”
– Larry Allen
“Not everything in life has a purpose. But everything has a lesson.”